Documentation Services

Contract Negotiations and Administration

Grievance Administration and Representation

Government Regulation Compliance Management

Labor Relations Audits

Policy Development

Unfair Labor Practice Representation

Human Resources Audit

Wage and Benefit Analysis

Internal Investigations

Unemployment Compensation

Dispute Resolution


Labor Relations Services

Contract Negotiations and Administration 

Our consultants work with each client and their lead management team to develop negotiation strategies. These strategies are based on the Company’s individual situations and goals. As spokespersons for labor contract negotiations, we develop contract language based on established industry practices, and take steps to eliminate vague or ambiguous language which often frustrates the negotiation process. Whether for initial or successor agreements, we analyze data, prepare a cost analysis, coordinate the bargaining process and structure proposals and issues in order to guide the negotiations to successful conclusions.

Our consultants are also available for ongoing consultation of contract interpretation and  administration issues.